
some fun with patterns for a small Friday show at the fabbrica del vapore 


been going through a lot of old family photos lately, here's a little side-effect -

‘heart of snow’ : coming to a bookstore near you…

...sometime in 2025. just a quick note to say that an in-the-works comic project by monika powalisz (story) and me (drawings) came second at the international pitching at Ligatura comics fesival (Poznań, PL). nice! ps. more news and drawings coming as soon as i fight my way through

tecnica mista

a little preview from a guide drawn for Museo del Novecento. in other news, i'm off to the Bologna fair tomorrow, second year in a row, along with the rest of the armad'illo posse (guest starring kasia). exciting (and exhausting) times ahead!