i’m in business

Yay! My moo mini-cards arrived in the mail today! They are tiny and adorable, and come in a handsome recycled-paper box. Just in time for the Bologna book fair!  Please excuse the hazy photo, I just couldn't wait for tomorrow's daylight to photograph them :)


here's some quick watercolour sketches of my classmates i did a while ago. i haven't done any watercolours in over 2 months! must change this.       

deep sea baby

ooops, i'm behind with posting again! too much work. really. for now, here's a little sneak peek of one of the 101 assignments i'm working on:                           

something changed

please note that the url of this blog just changed to zozozosia.blogspot.com! yeah, naming a blog after a district  in warsaw = not such a great idea, i had to swap 'szczesliwice' for something more legible/pronouncable/zosia-esque. adjust your bookmarks accordingly!love,zo.


my school assignments right now range from children's books to font design, so expect veeeery random projects to pop up on this blog. here's this week's lettering task - a 2-colour letter design for a fountain pen called 'superstilo'. again, I had so much fun

fake book covers, anyone?

cause that's what i've been doing all week. creating a cover illustration turned out to be an infuriatingly difficult task, i really sweated it this time..