topipittori / studio armad’illo

There's an article about were i work on the Topipittori illustration blog! Here's the story: a few months ago, me and 8 other illustrators got together and created a common workspace for illustrators. We all met last year at a postgraduate illustration course (here) and decided

postcards and creatures

well this is some exciting news! you can now send my drawings as postcards through the awesome petite poste site. the site lets you send them out both as online cards and actual physical printed postcards. yay!apart from that - in october i did some black-and-white

catching up

oh no, i'm super behind with posting again.. and i do have quite a bit to share. so, first up - my first Italian magazine cover! it is for a Florence-based literary magazine that focuses on children's literature. this month's topic was death in children's

panels, panels

the other thing which kept me reaaaally busy throughout september was a comic project (or should i say graphic novel? haha). it was my first try at such a complex story (10 pages long! full colour! constant google search for historical images of warsaw!), and i

workshop with serge bloch

ok, so it's been a while! well, here i am again, after a well deserved summer rest and a busy busy september. one of september highlights was a magazine cover workshop with the ever-inspiring serge bloch. Four super-intense days with a-cover-a-day pace (sometimes more). I had

website update!

I have updated with a bunch of recent projects, including the story which kept me so busy throughout June - illustrations to Daniil Kharms' short story, Sonnet. Go have a look!

back in a bit

Phew! Now that was a busy two weeks! Taking a few days off, and then it's back to regularly scheduled blogging.   I hope you're having a nice july!

concerned lady

a tiny bit of my final thesis, on which i'm working 24/7 now; i'm trying to make a 32-page illustrated album in a week